Sunday, January 15, 2012

Micro laser peel

Revive will soon be Micro laser peels!  I decided to have this done on me first so that I know first hand how it feels and what it will be like for my clients. 

I am a little nervous as I have sensitive, aging skin and not sure what the healing time will be like.  I plan to blog on my experience and post before, during and after pictures for my followers!  Also will post pictures for my co-worker who will also be doing it the same day! 

Please follow if interested!!


  1. Day of procedure: After numbing for 45 minutes, we began the laser peel. It was not painful and very tolerable. It seemed loud near my ears and more uncomfortable around my eyes and mouth areas, but still very tolerable during the procedure. It took about 10-15 minutes only. After completed, my face had intense heat, but the cold air helped that we blew over my face and gradually weaned off the cold air. Aquaphor was applied to my face and then I was able to ice. After about 10-15 more minutes, the heat became more tolerable. Taking some Advil seemed to help.
    Aquaphor really seems to help keep it moist and more comfortable. Went to bed early and slept with my head elevated all nite.

  2. Day 2 - I am surprised at how quickly the redness and sensitivity is improving. It has not gone away completely, but is much better this morning! The swelling also has gone down around my eyes and mouth. Impressed and looking forward to each day to see the changes.
